Playbook Definition contains all the necessary information to define the investigation logic. The most important part of this definition is the steps
property, which is a collection of Task Configurations.
Playbook Proto
Proto Field | Type | Description | Note |
name | string | Name of the playbook | |
description | string | Description of the playbook | Optional |
global_variable_set | JSON | A set Key-Value pairs defining variables which can be used in steps | Optional. All variables must be prefixed with $ symbol. |
steps | Array of Object(s) | An array of step configurations |
Step definitions contains related tasks along with the metadata required to interpret all the results. The platform supports following interpretation layer(s):
Step Definition Proto
Field | Type | Description | Note |
name | string | Name of the step | |
description | string | Description of the step | Optional |
notes | markdown | Investigation notes for the step | Optional |
external_links (metadata) | Array of Key-Value pair(s) | Related external links | Optional. Part of metadata property |
interpreter_type | string | Interpretation engine to be used for generating step investigation summary | Optional |
tasks | Array of Object(s) | An array of task configurations |
Task Definition defines a unit execution supported by the platform. They are defined in the google protobuf message formats. All available source task definitions can be found here.
Every task definition must include task_type which is of enum type and contains various choices of task configs for a given source.
Playbook Metric Task Proto
Field | Type | Description | Note |
source | string | task source | |
name | string | task name | |
description | string | task description | optional |
notes | string | task notes | optional |
task_connector_sources | Array of Objetc(s) | A list of connectors on which the will be executed | |
One of [documentation, cloudwatch, grafana, new_relic, datadog, clickhouse, postgres, eks, sql_database_connection, api, bash, grafana_mimir] | JSON | task configuration |
Workflows contains all the necessary information to automate the investigation logic. A workflow is built using 4 components:
Workflow proto:
Proto Field | Type | Description | Note |
name | string | name of the workflow | |
description | string | description of the workflow | Optional |
schedule | JSON | Workflow schedule | |
playbooks | Array of Object(s) | An array of playbooks | |
entry_points | Array of Object(s) | An array of entry points | |
actions | Array of Object(s) | An array of actions |
Workflow entry points are rules associated with a workflow defining events/scenarios when a workflow should be triggered.
The platform currently supports following types of entry points:
Workflow Entry Point Proto:
Proto Field | Type | Description | Note |
type | string | one of [API, ALERT] | |
One of [api_config, alert_config] | string | description of the workflow |
Workflow schedule defines a rule that controls the execution behaviour of a workflow. The platform currently supports following schedules:
Workflow actions are rules that define what should be done with output of each execution. The platform currently supports the following actions: